Bungee Pixel on Older Systems

Checking out the Bungee Emoji alphabet on older systems. Some letters melt away but it’s still somewhat legible! 👌
Checking out the Bungee Emoji alphabet on older systems. Some letters melt away but it’s still somewhat legible! 👌
Stacking letters gets extra tricky when accents are involved. Bungee’s accented characters are spaced and kerned so that they set well with other letters, even other accents. Here are three examples from Portuguese, Turkish, and Polish that show Bungee’s accent-to-accent spacing.
The ever-hilarious Chris Lewis came up with a great term for this: staccents!
Gimlet’s alternate umlauts (OpenType Stylistic Set 08) were inspired by forms found in Schadow Antiqua Fett:
German designer Peter Glaab has been interested in Georg Trump’s typeface Schadow for years. So naturally he reached out when I released Gimlet, which takes many of its cues from the typeface.
First, he took some time to interview me about Gimlet’s design, and also about my new foundry and what other typefaces I have up my sleeve. Then, he wrote an excellent review of Gimlet (in German, translate it here), highlighting its connection with Schadow, its design features, and its alternate forms with an incredible amount of depth.
The icing on the cake: both articles are set in Turnip!