Reed Reibstein discovered Bungee used along with Rubik on this special section of Quartz. Wow!

Reed Reibstein discovered Bungee used along with Rubik on this special section of Quartz. Wow!
Bungee on the magazine of the Dutch travelers' association ANWB! @djrrb
— Roel Nieskens (@pixelambacht) July 9, 2017
If you use fonts, make fonts, or just like fonts, I think it is worth browsing Typographica’s incredible collection of reviews featuring typefaces from last year.
I got to write about Bely, an excellent typeface by Roxane Gataud. Her work on this typeface is worth checking out.
I am also especially grateful to three reviewers who took the time to review my work. Thanks to Eben Sorkin for his comprehensive listing of Bungee’s features large and small, from verticality and color to Chris Lewis’s Javascript implementation. Thanks to Nina Stössinger for her thoughtful review of how Roger Black and I approached our revival of Forma. And thanks to Rob Keller for his delightful take on Gimlet, exploring its relationship with Schadow and also the recently-released Algebra.
Because this is not a curated list, there are always some personal favorites that don’t get reviewed. But overall I am impressed with this year’s selection, and would love to see more frequent writing on new and interesting type. I am grateful to Stephen Coles and Caren Litherland for all the hard work they put into compiling and editing this valuable resource.
In this edition of Fontribute, Thomas Jockin and Erin McLaughlin do a deep dive into the designs of Input Mono and Input Serif, comparing and contrasting them to elucidate the thinking.
I was a bit nervous when I saw that they had chosen to analyze an intentionally unsophisticated design (it was based on a pixel font after all), but I thought they did a great job uncovering the thinking behind many of my decisions.
In case you hadn’t seen enough of my typefaces used on Netflix shows lately, I just learned that Bungee has a bit part on a poster in The Get Down.
(h/t Gabriel Benderski)