Font of the Month Club

Font of the Month Club

Now for something a little different: I’m inviting you, my fellow type lover, to join the new Font of the Month Club! Sign up to get a fresh new font lovingly made by me, every single month.

In addition to my retail families, I love working on little side projects that explore a certain historical style or concept, such as standalone display faces and experimental designs. Most of these don’t ever get a proper release, so the Font of the Month Club is my way of sharing them with you.

Learn more and sign up for as little as $6/month at!

Variable fonts at SND

This past week, I gave a talk with Roger Black and Dave Crossland about OpenType variable fonts at the Society of News Design conference in Charlotte. The talk wasn’t recorded, but here are a couple clips to give you a taste:

Thank you to SND for having me, and for all who came to see the talk! Also, I was pretty psyched to see Input and Output used all over the entire conference identity. 👍

SND conference badge

It’s lit

A big 👋 to my variable font friends at TYPO Labs! I am at home dragging lots of sliders, but would rather be dragging them with you!

It’s lit

I have a lot of questions about this document from Google, but font choice is not one of them! I am impressed that it even finds a way to take advantage of Bungee’s vertical alternates... (h/t Drew Powers)