December’s font of the month: Zenith Slab DJR

Font of the Month, 2019/12 PDF Try Buy $24

Zenith Slab DJR is December’s installment of Font of the Month Club. As always, you can sign up for as little as $24!

zenith slab djr specimen

I’ve been taught to see a typeface as a kit of parts, a group of repeating elements that are the glue that holds the disparate shapes of our alphabet together. I always find it interesting to see what happens to that kit when a new part is added to the mix.

That’s exactly what I’ve done this month with Zenith Slab DJR. It’s a slab serif take on Zenith DJR, a set of Art Deco capitals based on a fire station inscription in Charlotte, North Carolina. This sans serif version was released in July 2017 as the third-ever font of the month.

Charlotte fire department

Charlotte Fire Department, South Blvd, Charlotte, NC

Like the sans serif before it, Zenith Slab eschews traditional thick/thin models in favor of an Art Deco-inspired approach that allots a single heavy stem to each letter (popularized by Broadway). This unusual dynamic gives strings of text a distinctive rhythm, which is emphasized by the colorful inlines that lay within the heavy stems.

Zenith Slab adds distinctive angled vertical strokes to the mix, which completely transforms the tone of the typeface. While the sans serif is spare and a little stoic, the slab serif borders on playful. I let the vertical serifs to extend beyond the baseline and cap-height, and I think these little spurs add even more texture and flavor to the design.

LSC Caslon Roman

This typeface may lack a lowercase, but it makes up for it with a plethora of other features.

Zenith comes with the fonts in two layerable weights, Regular (inline) and Bold (solid). In addition, I’m also including color fonts where the color information is stored within the font itself.

These color fonts are still a little experimental, and I’m hopeful that releasing more color fonts will lead to better support. Until palette customization is implemented, club members can drag the fonts onto my Color Font Customizer, choose their own colors, and download a customized version of the font. The “Color SVG” version is mainly for use in Adobe apps, which don’t support COLR/CPAL yet.

There are also nearly 200 alternate glyphs in Zenith Slab DJR, including an entire set of spurless serifs. There a bit less playful, but maybe more fashionable? Perhaps my favorite alternate set are the diagonals with “backwards” thick/thin contrast, which you can employ to tweak the thick/thin rhythm of your text. 

Greek and Cyrillic

Like its sans serif counterpart, Zenith Slab supports basic Greek and Cyrillic in addition to the usual Latin alphabet. I love how the design’s triangular forms translate to the Greek Lambda (Λ) and Cyrillic De (Д).

I usually try to consult with native speakers when I work in these scripts, but I completely ran out of time this month. So yeah, let’s think of these as Beta, and your feedback is always welcome. 😅


November’s font of the month: Roslindale Ultra

Font of the Month, 2019/11 PDF Try
roslindale specimen

When making a type family, one of the biggest challenges is deciding how big it should be...sometimes it can be hard to know when to stop.

Expansive type families can be great, but there’s definitely a point of diminishing returns as one ventures away from the family’s “core” styles. (A font’s Bold Italic Small Caps will never get used as often as its Regular lowercase.)

On top of that, there’s always the question of how much can change in a typeface before some parts of the family start to feel categorically different than others. And that is precisely the question I am asking myself about November’s offering, Roslindale Ultra.

roslindale djr sample

As longtime club members may remember, Roslindale was inspired by De Vinne, a typeface attributed to Gustav Schroeder and Nicholas Werner and released by the Central Type Foundry in 1892.

But as you can see in the image below, this new style of Roslindale bears only a passing resemblance to De Vinne’s wider styles. The overall skeleton is virtually unchanged, but the originals never got this bold, and featured a lot more uneven angularity and wobbliness than I was able to retain in this latest rendition.

Cuneiform in use
De Vinne No. 2 in the 1912 American Type Founders Specimen.

In fact, whether I like it or not, Roslindale Ultra may owe more to the bold, high-contrast, Victorian-inspired serifs of the International Typeface Corporation (better known as ITC) and designers such as Herb Lubalin, Tom Carnase, and Ed Benguiat that came to define American typography in the 1970s.

I noticed a similarity early on between Roslindale and ITC Bernase, but as the font gets bolder and wider, the high contrast and buxom curves typical of the ITC aesthetic become more and more prominent, and the connection is harder to ignore.

LSC Caslon Roman
LSC Caslon Roman by Tom Carnase, transfer sheets from my collection.

As I continue to expand this family, I’m trying to figure out whether I’m okay with this. With all of these influences, does it feel new enough? Should I try harder to preserve some of that Victorian eccentricity in the far corners of Roslindale’s designspace, or is this just a natural progression of the design?

Roslindale Ultra is November’s installment of Font of the Month Club. As always, you can sign up for as little as $24!

roslindale ultra u&lc
roslindale ultra uc

October’s font of the month: Clavichord

Font of the Month, 2019/10 PDF Try Buy $24
clavichord djr sample

In my worldview, typography has always lived at this fascinating intersection of history, technology and problem-solving/design, and I often approach my work through one or more of those lenses. But recently I’ve been thinking a lot about how type can also work on a visceral level, designed to evoke an emotional response rather than a historical connotation or general sense of elegance or craftsmanship.

There seems to a moment happening right now for this kind of expressive type design. I had the privilege of attending Les Rencontres de Lure this summer and was able to discuss this topic with a number of boundary-pushing French designers (including several members of Velvetyne Type Foundry). It is also a recurring theme in this recent interview with Jules Durand.

All of this led me to unearth a spindly blackletter that I started a couple years ago and abandoned shortly thereafter. I didn’t return to the design because I love the style or because think it is particularly useful. I returned to it because it makes my skin crawl.

clavichord specimen

This month, I’m sending you that spindly blackletter, which I’ve called Clavichord. I found its jumping-off point back in 2017 while browsing the private library of a friend here is Western Massachusetts. (Fun fact: this was actually the same day that I encountered the book that led to the creation of Klooster, December 2017’s Font of the Month.)

I spent a bunch of time with an 1860 tome called The History of Ink, published by one of the largest ink manufacturers at the time. Thanks in large part to the help of Florian Hardwig and the Fonts in Use moderators, there is now a post on Fonts in Use that showcases many of the typefaces used in this over-the-top book.

Cuneiform in use
Italian Text / Cuneiform, as used in The History of Ink, 1860.

Of course, Madisonian steals the show as the book’s main text face, but my attention quickly turned to the bony, frail textura at the top of the first page. Called Italian Text or Cuneiform, depending on where you look, this typeface isn’t even the most beautiful American blackletter of that era. I guess what I appreciated about it was its ability to be both beautiful and a little icky at the same time.

This dichotomy is something that I tried to push even further in my interpretation of the design. Unlike the straightforward revival I took on last month, Clavichord takes many more liberties with the concepts set forth in the source material.

It is anchored by a distinctive “sparkle” shape, an abstraction of the diamond-like form made by a broadnib pen held at 45°. (It is certainly not alone in adopting something like this; recent examples include this striking piece by Wei Huang and Frida Medrano’s Jabin typeface.)

But Clavichord’s connection to the broadnib pen ends there; the rest of the typeface descends into lavish Victorian excess, with spirals, decorative ball terminals, and hairlines so razor-thin that they virtually disappear.

In the end, I added a variable Optical Size axis that allows you to control the hairlines thickness, keeping them at 0.5pt from 76pt to 332pt!

Clavichord variable font

I’ll admit that this was a hard typeface to draw, and it might prove to be an even harder typeface to use. But I hope you can find a place in your designs to add a little “ick factor,” even if it’s just a drop cap or some words on top of a big photo. Happy Halloween!

Clavichord is October’s installment of Font of the Month Club. As always, you can sign up for as little as $24!

Clavichord variable font

DJR Open Studio 2


Photo taken by Angela, courtesy of Matthew

I can’t thank everyone enough for participating in my Open Studio earlier this month! I am so happy with the group we had...there wasn’t a bad apple in the bunch. 🍎

We had a great group of speakers on Saturday afternoon. We heard about everything from lettering to machine learning, from responsive design to font licensing, from impostor syndrome to augmented reality. I’m sorry I don’t have photos of all the the sun went down, the photos got blurrier, but hopefully this will give you an idea!

I am so bad at taking photos, and I’m even worse when there are so many cool people around and so much cool stuff going on. I’m grateful to those who contributed their snapshots so that I could have some documentation of the event here on the blog.

Friday hike, Rainbow over the antiques barn
Friday hike, cemetery stop (Khánh is busy posting great instagram stories of the event)
Photo by Gor Jihanian
Stop at the Historical Society
Photo by Gor Jihanian
Dinner, drinks, and music at the Conway Inn
Photo by Gor Jihanian
On our way to Apple picking
Photo by Gor Jihanian
Apple picking
Sooo many apples
Photo by Gor Jihanian
Micah hanging out at the orchard
Maple soft serve at Hager’s
Photo by Gor Jihanian
Hanging out
Browsing the bookshelves
Photo by Khánh Pham
Gor speaking
Photo by Khánh Pham
Lynne speaking
Photo by Khánh Pham
Marie, Cem, and Nic speaking
Mirko splits wood
Joyce tells campfire horror stories (about font licensing, of course)
Sunday morning view
Hanging out at Elmer’s Store

Sketch supports variable fonts!

I’m very happy to share that my variable fonts are now supported in Sketch! Here’s a sneak peek of my in-progress Condor Variable working in the latest version.

sketch supports variable fonts

Announced this week on the Sketch blog, Sketch 59 also has improved support for OpenType features. Variable axis sliders can be found right next to the Font Style menu, just like in Illustrator.

Between this news and other design apps making strides to support OpenType features, I am very excited to see support and enthusiasm for variable fonts from the makers of the latest UI design tools. I hope this helps everyone use my variable fonts to their full potential!